Iron Tree Guard
Tree Guard® is a pre-mixed, ready-to-use deer repellent that sprays on milky and dries clear. The active ingredient, Bitrex™, makes the coated plant taste bad. A detection agent lets the deer know the plant is treated. Tree Guard® leaves a clear sheen which resists wash-off from rain and snow. Tree Guard® may be used on any non-food plant, and poses minimal risk to deer, plants, people, and the environment. Tree Guard® from Becker Underwood is known throughout the deer repellent industry as ‘the one that works’. Click here to order Tree Guard.
Iron Tree Guard Information Sheet
Tree Guards are increasingly used for the protection of seedling trees. Tree guards help stop animals from damaging or destroying seedlings and can greatly increase the success rate of tree plantings by reducing wind damage.
Iron Tree guards are also of great use in public areas, streets and parks to help prevent damage to both new and established trees.
Decorative tree guards are available.
Railing & Tree Guard
Precast Concrete fencing is an ideal solution for providing security and barricading. The product is a mix of high aesthetic value and low cost. It is also very easy to erect and has no resale value. It is available in height of 1.5 mtr and 1.0 mtr.
Iron Tree guards are used to provide a young sapling protection from animals or passersby. Concrete tree guards comprise of four panels which can be easily assembled at site. Hold fasts are provided to hold the four panels in place. The tree guards are available in height of 1800 mm and can be placed for total height ranging between 1300 to 1500 mm.
Concrete Products are manufactured by high frequency vibration techniques, high quality moulds with requisite reinforcement in accordance to relevant IS specifications. The concrete grade is min. M 30. Proper water immersed or steam curing is done before dispatch. Sizes and specifications are subject to change without notice due to our constant endeavor to improve our product.
Iron Furniture-->>> Tree Guard
Iron Tree Guard (1)
Tarun Industries.com: Iron Tree Guard Manufacturer from Jaipur india
Tarun Industries.com 2012
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Iron Tree Guards Manufacturers India